4 out of 5 Hops

Deschutes Brewery from Bend, Oregon brews this unique Winter Beer. This beer pours a deep red color with aroma notes of toffee, malt and spice. This is a favorite beverage of mine around Christmas time. It is a relatively low alcohol winter beer at 6.7%. IBU is sitting at 60 which makes this on par with an IPA. The hop flavors are unique and complex. The brewery doesn't list the blend, but a source I found shows Galena, Cascade, Willamette, Tettnanger, and Golding Hops. This is a crazy blend that gives this beer a flowery/spicy taste versus a citrus/piney flavor that many beers such as IPA's and Pales have. I dig it! At this Abv I can actually enjoy a few at one sitting. My only regret is this is only brewed at winter. I recommend trying this in place of your next stout or porter craving. Cheers!
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